Release Notes - v5.94 (Mt. Bierstadt)
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Release Notes - v5.94 (Mt. Bierstadt)

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Article summary

Mogli SMS Release Notes - v5.94 (Mt. Bierstadt)

Self-upgrade to Mount Bierstadt by using these instructions.

What’s New

Resolved Issues

  • Mogli Inbox read/unread in archived.

  • Component error when clicking back when sending bulk SMS from a list view.

  • Notifications on custom objects.

  • Outgoing messages not filtered when using filter SMS by record.

  • Error reporting on native bulk sends.

  • SMS records stuck in SendingAPI when using the Mogli Messaging API.

Update Details

Merge fields in Form Templates

You can now add merge fields to your Form Templates! A few considerations before you get started:

  • The merge fields you want to use must be configured in the Mogli Application Settings

    or the Custom Metadata Type: Mogli Integrated Object.

  • Merge field notation is {{ObjectAPI.FieldAPI}}. Example: {{Contact.FirstName}}.

  • If you update the first question in a Form Template, ensure the related SMS Template is updated as well. You can also delete the related SMS Template and click the Create SMS Template button to create a new record.

Create or update a record from a Form

You can now configure your Form Templates to create or update records, such as Contact, Lead, etc. based on a recipient’s responses.


  1. When creating or editing a Form Template record, insert the object’s API name into the Mapped Object field. Example: Contact, or Custom_Object__c. This designates the object in which a record will be created or updated.

  1. When creating or editing a Question Template record, insert the field’s API name into the Mapped Field field.

  2. The system will wait until all Question Templates with the field Required=TRUE are answered before attempting to create or update.

    1. When building Form Templates to create or update records, ensure any fields that are required for record creation have Required=TRUE. Example: the Last Name field on Contact.

  3. The Do Not Update field allows the user the flexibility to create a Question Template where the response value for the Mapped Field will be used for creating records, but not for updating records.

Limitations and considerations

  • The object that is imputed into the Form Template. The mapped Object field must be an object configured in the Custom Metadata Type: Mogli Integrated Object.

  • If you are upgrading from a prior version of Mogli SMS, you will need to update your page layouts and may want to update your list views if you want to include these new fields.

    • Form Template page layout

    • Form Template list view

    • Question Template page layout.

  • If the value of a response does not match a field validation, the Form will move to the next question and the response value will not be inserted into the Mapped Field.

    • Example: if the Mapped Field is an email field, and the response is not in the correct format, the email field will not be updated.

Twilio Content Template Builder for WhatsApp

You can now utilize Twilio’s new Content Template Builder to create rich messaging content when sending over WhatsApp Gateways.

Contact your Mogli Account Manager, or email for assistance getting started.

Mogli Number Flows

We’ve added Flows to replace our Workflow Rules which update the Mogli Number field on Contact and Lead. The Flows are named: [Mogli] Contact - Populate Mogli Number and [Mogli] Lead - Populate Mogli Number.

Note: Existing Workflow Rules must be manually deactivated.

Telnyx gateways support up to 5 MB MMS

Telnyx gateways now support sending MMS up to 5 MB, which was previously limited to 1 MB.

Visualforce Conversation View enhancements

  • The Visualforce conversation view now has the same UI and capabilities as the Lighting conversation view.

  • Real-time updates work in the Salesforce Mobile app.

Mogli URL enhancements

  • The destination  URL character limit increased.

  • Activate URLs that have been deactivated.

  • Edit URLs.

  • When creating a new URL, the domains are now available in a pick list.

  • Improved searching.

  • Improved error handling.

Alphabetize SMS Templates

When clicking on the SMS Templates button in the conversation view, the templates and folders are now in alphabetical order.

Self Upgrade Instructions

Upgrading to Mt. Bierstadt is simple.

  1. Use a list view or report to identify any SMS records in "Queued", "Sending", or "Scheduled" status with a "Scheduled Delivery Date" in the past. If found, please reach out to for assistance upgrading to avoid any potential issues. If none are found, continue to step 2.

  2. Click here to install Mt. Bierstadt in production (click here for sandbox).

  3. There are two managed Flows within this package: [Mogli] Contact - Populate Mogli Number and [Mogli] Lead - Populate Mogli Number. They are active upon installation and need to be immediately deactivated. Navigate to View Details and Versions on each Flow and deactivate from this page.

  4. Log in to Salesforce.

  5. Install for Admins Only.

  6. Confirm that the install has been completed by checking your email or navigating to Setup > Installed Packages and checking that Mogli SMS is version 5.94.

IMPORTANT: If you are upgrading from a version before 5.49, additional configuration may be required. Click here to see 5.49 self-upgrade instructions. See step #4 above to confirm which version of Mogli SMS you currently have installed.

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