Form Templates
  • 30 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Form Templates

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Article summary

Forms & Surveys

Our Declarative Bread and Butter

Automated Conversations, any way you’d like. Linear or Branching.

Use Cases

      • Secure Opt-In to Text Messages - create a keyword for people to opt-in to text messages.
      • Feedback/Surveys - obtain feedback about an experience to measure your impact
      • Inquiry Forms - capture name, email, and other pertinent info to create new or update existing records 
      • Text to Donate - capture donations for a cause into a pre-populated form
      • Appointment Confirmations - appointment updates, confirmations, rescheduling, or canceling
      • Text to Case - obtain support case information, measure urgency, and provide support

Linear Form Templates

Ask a set series of questions regardless of response: 

Branching Form Templates

Automate a conversation based on responses:

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