SMS User Acknowledgements
  • 08 Nov 2024
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SMS User Acknowledgements

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Article summary

SMS User Acknowledgements are a key feature in Mogli that help manage and track user interactions with notifications. This article explains their functionality, how they work, and answers common questions about their use and management.

What are SMS User Acknowledgements?

SMS User Acknowledgements are objects within Mogli that track when a particular user has viewed a notification. These records are created when a notification is viewed and are responsible for removing the notification from the Mogli Notifications Utility.

Why Are SMS User Acknowledgements Important?

Without SMS User Acknowledgements, Mogli would have no way to track which notifications have been viewed. Organizations with many users and gateways may notice a large number of SMS User Acknowledgements in their account. This article helps to explain their functionality and importance.


Q: What Are SMS User Acknowledgment Records?

SMS User Acknowledgment records allow Mogli to track when a user has "acknowledged" a notification. Once acknowledged, the user won’t receive further notifications for that specific SMS record.

Q. Where can I find SMS User Acknowledgment records?

A: You can find the records through the App Launcher. You can also run a report on them if needed, although you may need to create a new custom report type.

Q: Can I delete SMS User Acknowledgment records?

A: Yes, SMS User Acknowledgments older than 3 months can be safely deleted without causing those notifications to reappear in the Notifications Utility.

Q: What happens if SMS User Acknowledgment records less than 3 months old are deleted?

A: The Mogli Notifications Utility only queries SMS records without a User Acknowledgment from the past 90 days. If User Acknowledgment records less than 90 days old are deleted, those notifications will reappear. A User Acknowledgment is created whenever a user clicks on a notification to prevent it from showing repeatedly. Deleting recent records will cause users to receive notifications for those older messages again, which could become overwhelming.

Q: Can I delete the SMS User Acknowledgment object?

A: The object itself can’t be deleted, but individual records can be removed.

Q: Do I lose any SMS history from deleting the SMS User Acknowledgment records? 

A: No, deleting the acknowledgment records does not result in losing any SMS history.

Q: How can I prevent SMS User Acknowledgment records from being created?

A: Consider using the Mogli Notification feature with additional options like Email or Push Notifications, which would eliminate the need for User Acknowledgments.

Exception: If using Mogli Inbox, User Acknowledgments are required, as the Inbox feature relies on these records. If you're interested in exploring other notification options, please reach out to

Q: How do we delete SMS User Acknowledgement records?

A: For instructions on how to delete records, please refer to this SF Help Article. If you need assistance with potential automations, reach out to

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