SMS Subscriptions
  • 08 Dec 2023
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SMS Subscriptions

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SMS Subscriptions

SMS subscription opt-ins and opt-outs are available at the Gateway level in Mogli SMS version 5.49.14 and beyond. For example, if a recipient texts an opt-out keyword such as STOP, the customer will only be opted-out from the Gateway in Salesforce that they texted the keyword to. 

Global Opt-Out

All existing functionality using the record level Mogli Opt Out checkbox field will continue to work. If you are a current client and have custom automations using the Mogli Opt Out checkbox field, your automations will continue to work as intended. If you would like to migrate your legacy data to show on SMS subscriptions, contact your Mogli CSM for further assistance (

SMS Subscriptions Opt-In Modes

There are two opt-in modes which can be configured in Mogli’s Application Settings:

Default opt-in mode

All phone numbers are considered opted-in until an opt-out keyword is received, or the phone number is manually opted-out by a user in Salesforce. To configure default opt-in mode, leave the Mandatory Opt-in and Create Opt-in for Incoming SMS checkboxes unchecked in the Mogli SMS Application Settings.

Mandatory opt-in mode

All phone numbers are considered opted-out until opt-in criteria is met. Opt-in criteria may be specific to your business needs. To configure mandatory opt-in mode, select the Mandatory Opt-in checkbox in the Mogli SMS Application Settings.

Opt-ins can be handled manually within the Conversation View, configured to automatically opt-in a phone number when it sends an incoming SMS, or by custom automation (workflow/process builder/flow).

Create Opt-in for Incoming SMS: mandatory opt-in mode has an additional option to automate opt-in. Create Opt-in for Incoming SMS. When this option is enabled, anytime there is an incoming SMS which is not already opted-in, that phone number will be opted-in to the Gateway which it is received. To configure automated opt-in, select the Create Opt-in for Incoming SMS checkbox in the Mogli SMS Application Settings.

Note: If you are upgrading from a previous version of Mogli SMS and you do not see these fields in the Application Settings, your admin will need to manually add these fields to the Application Settings Page Layout. For more information on customizing page layouts, see this Salesforce Trailhead: Customize Record Details with Page Layouts.

SMS Subscriptions Opt-In / Opt-Out Keywords

Opt-in/opt-out keywords are stored on the Gateway record, and default values are set based on the Gateway’s messaging partner. Talk to your Mogli CSM about setting up custom opt-in/opt-out keywords.

SMS Subscriptions on the Conversation View

To access the SMS Subscriptions, click the highlighted button on the Conversation View.

You will see a list of Gateways that your user has access to, the opt-in/opt-out status & details, and a button to manually opt-in or opt-out on that Gateway.

Opt-in/opt-out statuses include: 

  • Opt-In
  • Opt-Out
  • No Opt-In (only shows when Mandatory Opt-in mode is enabled)
  • Opt-in/opt-out details include:
  • Manual opt-out/opt-in by <user>
  • Opt-in/Opt-out keyword: <opt-out keyword>
  • Opt-in from incoming SMS

Note: custom opt-in descriptions can be configured via custom automation (workflow/process builder/flow).

The Opt-In and Opt-Out buttons on the Conversation View allow you to manually opt-in/opt-out phone numbers.

IMPORTANT: If a phone number has texted an opt-out keyword, such as STOP, a user cannot manually opt-in. To opt-in, the phone number must text an opt-in keyword, such as START or UNSTOP.

To restrict access to the manual Opt-In and Opt-Out buttons, use the permission set: Mogli SMS User: Limited Access. 

This permission set allows a user to send messages from the Conversation View, manage Form Templates, and manage SMS Templates. A user assigned this permission set is restricted from using the Bulk SMS Lightning tab, the Mogli Inbox tab, and using the manual Opt-In and Opt-Out buttons to manage SMS Subscriptions. These restricted features can be applied using the following permission sets:

  • Mogli SMS Feature: Bulk SMS: Grants access to the Bulk SMS Lightning tab.
  • Mogli SMS Feature: Mogli Inbox: Grants access to the Mogli Inbox tab.
  • Mogli SMS Feature: Manual Opt-In/Opt-Out: Grants access to the Opt-In and Opt-Out buttons to manage SMS Subscriptions in the Conversation View.

When a phone number is opted-out of a Gateway selected in the Conversation View (or not opted-in when using mandatory opt-in mode), you will see a warning message at the top of the Conversation View, and all fields except the Gateway picklist will be disabled.

If you are sending via the Bulk SMS Lightning tab, or via a custom automation, the SMS record will be created with SMS.Status = Error, and SMS.Debug = Previous Opt-out (or No Opt-In when using mandatory opt-in mode).

Global opt-outs (selecting the Mogli Opt Out checkbox on a Contact, Lead, Opportunity, or custom object record) overrides SMS Subscription preferences.

  • When using the Bulk SMS Lightning tab, records with the global Mogli Opt Out checkbox will not be added to the recipient list.
  • When sending an SMS via custom automation, the automation MUST evaluate the global Mogli Opt Out checkbox or the message will be sent.

Migrating to SMS Subscriptions

For instructions on migrating to SMS Subscriptions please see: Automation Guide for Subscription Center 

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