Salesforce Org Migration Guide
  • 13 Sep 2024
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Salesforce Org Migration Guide

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Article summary

Migrating Mogli data to a new org requires careful consideration of various data and metadata items. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the migration process to ensure a smooth transition.

Migration Checklist

The following items need to be considered when migrating Mogli data:

  • Gateway records
  • Gateway user records
  • Application setting records
  • User notification records
  • Forms and Form Template records
  • SMS records (to relevant Salesforce org)
  • Custom Metadata
  • Mogli Integrated object records
  • Latest SMS Info objects
  • Fields referenced as merge fields in metadata or application settings
  • Custom fields created for Mogli purposes (e.g., custom objects fields like Person Accounts)
  • The last three months of User notifications records (SMS User Acknowledgements)
  • Customizations such as Flows, Booster Packs, etc.
  • Mogli Opt-Out data

Special Considerations

  • Gateways only apply to one org at a time
  • Push Topics will need to be created if not done automatically during the install

Migration Process

  1. Migrate all items listed in the Migration Checklist
  2. Check and confirm the full Mogli configuration
  3. Contact Tech Support to update set-up gateways/webhooks
  4. Ensure any fields referenced as merge fields are present in the new org or removed as merge fields

Post-Migration Steps

Once the migration is in progress or completed, the Mogli Tech Support team will coordinate the configuration process for object configs and gateway/webhook updates.

Migration Options

To ensure a smooth migration, we strongly recommend one of two options:

  1. Utilize our professional services: Our Solutions Engineers can conduct the Mogli migration
  2. Engage a qualified Salesforce Solutions Implementation team to perform the migration

Given the potential complexity of data migration projects and the likelihood of questions arising, direct involvement from our team can significantly streamline the process and reduce back-and-forth communication.

Pricing and Time Allocation

Items to consider when utilizing Mogli professional services for migrations:

  • We do not offer fixed-bid pricing due to the unique nature of each data migration project
  • Billing is based on time spent
  • We maintain open communication with clients regarding hours used throughout the project
  • Recommended initial allocation: 10 professional service hours, adjustable based on project scope and complexity

Each data migration project is unique. The Mogli team is committed to collaborating with you throughout the process to ensure a successful migration. For further assistance or to initiate a migration project, contact your Account Manager directly, or email us at

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