More on Form Templates
  • 29 Jul 2024
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More on Form Templates

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Article summary

More on Form Templates

Can I send forms out over any type of gateway?

Forms can be sent out over 10 digit longcodes, toll free numbers, short codes, or even WhatsApp. We do not recommend sending forms over Intelligent Area Code Routing gateways.

My recipient receives the first question of the survey, but nothing else after their initial response.

  1. Check that you’ve populated the Next Question field in the Question Template and Possible Answers.
  2. Remove the text from the SMS Template you created, and it should auto-populate the exact text of the first question from the connected Form Template.

What happens if a reply isn’t a Possible Answer?

If you set up a Default Next Question, that is the message that will be sent. If you’ve not set up a Default Next Question, no message will be sent and the Form will remain in Active status.

Considerations for Query Strings and Possible Answers

Avoid Query Strings consisting of END, STOP, BLOCK, CANCEL, UNSUBSCRIBE, or QUIT, as these words can cause our carrier to block your Gateway (phone number).

Avoid Query Strings consisting of HELP or INFO, as these words will trigger a text message from our carrier stating, “Reply STOP to unsubscribe. Msg&Data rates may apply.”

Responses are case-insensitive. If you request a response of YES or NO, and a recipient responds with Yes or yes, that will be understood as YES.

No need to populate YES:::yes:::Yes in your Possible Answers.

Considerations for Modifying Form Templates

When modifying the text of the First Question in a Form Template, always be sure that your accompanying SMS Template is also modified to match your new text.

If you’re running automations using Form Templates, you’ll need to use the Question Name.

If, for any reason you modify the Question Name in your Question Template, be sure to adjust your Process Builder or Flow to modify the name of the Question Template to match.

Considerations for Form Statuses

When someone texts in a keyword (Query String) and initiates a Form, they may not finish it and the Form may remain in Active status. If they later send an incoming text message that is unrelated to the Form, it may ‘attach’ to the Form. Mogli will check to see if there are any Forms with an Active status to relate the next incoming response. Because the Form wasn’t in Complete status, Mogli will respond with the next survey question, which can cause confusion for your recipient.

Mogli offers a Booster Pack that will automatically close Forms more than 48 hours old. If interested, please reach out to your Account Manager, or email for more info.

Best practice would be to manually set active Forms to Complete after a given period of time.

When Mogli opens a new Form, it automatically sets the status of the prior Form to Complete (if it isn’t already). So, there should be no more than 1 Active Form record per Contact or Lead.

Considerations for creating/updating records using Form Templates

  • Mapped Object Configuration: The object that is input into the Form Template. Mapped Object field must be a Mogli-configured object.
  • Upgrading from a prior Mogli version: If you are upgrading from a prior version of Mogli SMS. you will need to update your page layouts. You may also want to update your list views to include these new fields.
  • Field validation: If the value of a response does not satisfy a field validation, the Form will move to the next question and the response value will not be inserted into the mapped field. For example, if the mapped field is an "Email" field and the response is missing a required character, the email field will not be updated.

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