Automations FAQ
  • 22 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Automations FAQ

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Article summary

If I build an automation on the SMS object, will I run into queueable errors?

When many incoming messages come in quickly through Salesforce, there is a chance that you may receive a Flow or Apex error. Mitigate this risk by minimizing how often the process runs by making your criteria as specific as possible.

How do I trigger an outbound automated conversation/survey (Form Template) from Flow?

In the Message field of your SMS Record Creation node, include the exact text of the First Question of your Form Template. This should be the exact text of the SMS Template to which it’s associated. When your flow fires, it will initiate the Form Template and your recipient will be able to engage.

Can I trigger a text message with Flow?

Absolutely. Simply create your criteria in Flow and create an SMS record. Steps can be found here.

I want to make some unique modifications to a Mogli unmanaged Flow. What should I be aware of?

When saving your modifications to our unmanaged Flow, save as a new version of the Flow rather than a new Flow. The reason is that the Apex Classes referenced in the Flow reference the exact name of our unmanaged Flow. Saving as a new Flow would force you to rename it, and your Flow could fail.

How will I know if my Flow is working properly?

If testing isn’t yielding a conclusion, you can choose to receive an email detailing all process and Flow errors from Setup > Process Automation Settings.

I need to know more about why my Flow isn’t working properly.

Set yourself up to receive Apex Error emails by going to Setup > Apex Exception Email. Salesforce sends two types of notification emails when potential issues with Apex code are detected:

Apex warning emails, which are sent when a class or trigger exceeds 50% of an Apex governor limit

Apex exception emails, which are sent when an unhandled exception occurs in a trigger or class

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