Mogli Messaging API
  • 25 Jun 2024
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Mogli Messaging API

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Article summary

Introducing the Mogli Messaging API

The Mogli Messaging API is an API endpoint hosted on a cloud server that acts as an intermediate layer for processing outgoing bulk messages. It enables faster message throughput, fewer batch apex jobs in Salesforce, and more reliable bulk sends. We recommend you enable the Mogli Messaging API if you are sending via shortcodes or toll-free numbers, sending large volumes of bulk messages, or just like the idea of increased speed and reliability.

Configuration is simple and takes less than 5 minutes. There is no change in how you send a bulk message, just in what happens behind the scenes. 

Enable the Mogli Messaging API:

  1. Navigate to the Mogli SMS Application Settings, and find the Mogli API tab.

  2. Click Request API Key.

    • Note: If you are configuring Mogli SMS in a Sandbox, you will need to input your Production Org ID.

  3. Once an API key is obtained, it may take a minute before it is activated. Click the Check Status button to confirm that your Mogli API key has been activated.

    • Note: The Mogli Messaging API will be automatically enabled once this process is complete.

Disable the Mogli Messaging API:

  1. Navigate to the Mogli SMS Application Settings, and find the Details tab.

  2. Uncheck the Enable Mogli Messaging API checkbox.

    • If you upgraded from a previous version of Mogli SMS and do not see this field, edit the page layout to add the field.

  3. To re-enable the Mogli Messaging API, just check the checkbox. Super easy.

More Info About the Mogli Messaging API

  • The Mogli Messaging API only stores debug logs which include: the Salesforce ID for an SMS record, the message ID from the messaging partner, the batch group ID of the bulk send, and status information with timestamps. The Mogli Messaging API does not store origination or destination phone numbers, message text, or any other personal identifying information.

  • When your message is sent, the SMS Status will be Sending API until the message is sent from the messaging partner.

  • If you have any questions, reach out to 

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