Message Segment Counter
  • 26 Dec 2023
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Message Segment Counter

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Article summary

Message Segment Counter

Mogli gives you the tools to count your message segment consumption to better track your usage. Whether you are on a prepayment or an annual allotment of messages, it’s important to stay aware of where you stand on your consumption. This feature includes a message segment count that will be displayed directly on each SMS record after successful sending. The segment count will also factor in different encodings, so you don’t need to worry about doing any additional calculations to account for emojis or special characters.


  • Must be on Mogli Version 5.66.1 or higher for full functionality

  • Message Segments will be calculated on each SMS record except for those sent over a Twilio Intelligent Route [this functionality will be added in a future release]

How to Create a Usage Report in Salesforce

  1. Navigate to the “Reports” tab.

  2. Create a new report on “SMS”.

  3. Set filters based on your parameters. In this example, filters have been applied by direction, gateway and created date range. Remember, only outbound messages count against your usage.

  4. Set the outline to include any fields you’d like to view in the report. Group by the “Created Date” or “Send Date” fields to group messages by a particular timeframe.

  5. Click “Save & Run” or “Run” on your report.

  6. View your data! “Total Records” indicates the number of messages, “Total Message Segments” indicates the aggregate number of message segments contained within those messages.

How to Use This Data

Identify messages that are frequently consuming multiple segments. Sending messages in multiple language translations, including extra information that recipients have access to elsewhere, or accidentally sending non-GSM-7 encoded messages are frequent causes of runaway segment consumption (learn more about message tracking in our Texting 101 article). Use this data to identify which users are sending these messages and educate your users on how to be more concise with their messaging to avoid consumption surprises. Feel free to use this segment calculator to check any bulk messages before sending!

Keep tabs on data for the timeframe that matters to you. Group send dates by quarter, month, or even week to quickly identify trends in messaging consumption and adjust your strategy, if necessary.

Forecast future usage. Perhaps your users send three times the number of segments in the summer months than they do in the winter months. Use this information to forecast your future usage and make plans for purchasing additional message segments before your busy season kicks off.

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