Importing SMS
  • 07 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Importing SMS

  • Dark

Article summary

Helpful Data Import Tools

Data Loading Records

  1. Ensure you’re running Mogli on version 4.16.3 or later.
  2. Ensure that Gateways are configured in Mogli for proper SMS mapping.
  3. Ensure you have the Create Audit Fields permission set.
  4. Collect your historical SMS data in a spreadsheet and map it to our SMS fields:
      1. Direction (picklist) = Incoming or Outgoing
      2. Status (picklist) = Sent Successfully or Received Successfully
      3. Message (long text) = message text
      4. Created Date
      5. Created By ID
      6. Last Modified By ID (can only be modified on insert)
      7. Last Modified Date (can only be modified on insert)
      8. Send Date (date/time) = the date and time the original message was sent (important for message order)
      9. Phone Number ([+][country code][area code][phone number]) = must be in this format: +12223334444
      10. Opportunity ID (lookup) = ID of Opportunity (if applicable)
      11. Lead ID (lookup) = ID of Lead (if applicable)
      12. Contact ID (lookup) = ID of Contact (if applicable)
      13. Gateway ID (lookup) = ID of the Gateway used to send or receive the message (or of a placeholder gateway)
  5. Export your file to CSV.
  6. Use your preferred data import tool to Insert records and map accordingly. Be sure to trigger processes and workflows if needed. 

For more information about editing read-only fields like 'Created Date', refer to these Salesforce Help Articles:

Considerations and activation of "Create Audit Fields"
Enable Create Audit Fields

Updating SMS Records

  1. Ensure you’re running Mogli on version 4.16.3 or later.
  2. Ensure you have the Create Audit Fields permission set.
  3. Run a report that includes the Case Safe IDs of the SMS records to update. 

Need a Case Safe ID field? Create a custom formula field  (type: Text) named Case Safe ID on the SMS object.
Populate the formula as follows:

4. Export the Case Safe SMS IDs into a spreadsheet and map your changes using the SMS fields as described above.
    Include any custom fields that also require changes.
5. Save your file as a CSV.
6. Use your preferred data import tool to Update records and map accordingly. Be sure to trigger processes and workflows if needed.

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