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Prepayment Consumption
What is a prepayment?
Funds allocated towards phone number hosting and future messaging costs.
Prepayments are used only for services provided by messaging partners and convenience fees to Mogli as described below:
Standard/Toll-free/Short Code SMS messages (charged per message segment)
Standard/Short Code MMS messages (charged per message segment)
Mogli Voice Outbound Calls (charged per call per minute)
Mogli Inbound Call Forwarding (charged per call per minute)
Non-US/Canada messaging (charged per message segment)
WhatsApp messaging (charged per message segment & conversation)
Standard phone number rental (charged per number per month)
10DLC campaign fees (expected to be $2 - $10 per month per campaign - passthrough)
10DLC brand and campaign registration fees (passthrough)
TMobile registration fees (expected to be $50 one time per campaign - passthrough)
Prepaid messaging credit will not expire while a Client is still under contract with Mogli. Messaging prepayments are non-refundable and unused credits will not be returned.
All messaging prepayments from Client to Mogli will incur a $50 convenience fee per transaction to cover the cost of transactions and account maintenance. This fee will be deducted directly from the payment. The remaining amount will be available for messaging-related charges. To reduce fees, clients are encouraged (not required) to prepay for the messages needed for the duration of the contract in advance minimum of $2,500 per prepayment.
Voice Consumption
What is Mogli Voice?
Mogli Voice is a feature that enables you to send text or files as voice calls.
Voice calls are charged per call per minute.
Automated email notifications will be sent when you achieve 80%, 90%, and 100% of your allowable voice consumption.