  • 08 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

A Few Suggestions...

Mogli Opt-out Automation

Email Alerts Based on Form Responses

Automated Text Messages

More on Automations

Do Less. Do More.

Mogli can do the heavy lifting using Flow.

Use Cases for Flow

  • Mogli Opt-Out 
    • Automatically check and uncheck the Mogli Opt-Out checkbox based on inbound keywords.
    • Stay in compliance with Opt-In/Out practices to keep your Contacts and Leads happy.
  • Send an email to a particular user based on a specific Question Response in a Form Template.
  • Create or update a record when a specific message is received, or a specific Form is completed.
  • Trigger text messages to be sent according to status changes, scheduled events, and more.
  • Text and Email Notifications for important inbound messages (see Notifications section).
  • Generate a text message auto-responder.
  • Auto-creation of Contacts and Leads from Inquiry Form Templates, including the population of certain fields based on Question Responses in a Form.
  • Populate fields with information provided during Form Templates.
  • Push notifications.
  • Trigger bulk sends to specific groups at designated times.

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